6 places to visit in the state of Guanajuato

Check these places to visit in Guanajuato, you will discover that this state has a great production of lavender, strawberry, cactus, tequila and wine. The fields where they are grown are open and offer thematic tours, tastings, hotels and unique experiences for travelers.

Plan a different vacation with this list of 6 places to visit in Guanajuato. Cover it with all your senses through its colors and contrasts: contemplate the purple of its lavender, the green of its nopalero landscape, the red that smells like strawberry and the bluish green that will leave you a tequila flavor on the lips. Did you know that this state has an important production of lavender, strawberry, cactus, tequila and wine?

1.- Lavender fields in Mineral de Pozos

This Magical Town was a ghost town, as its population emigrated to other places when mining activity ceased. However, it is now full of life and color thanks to Rancho Lavanda. The tour has no cost and they give you the complete explanation about the types of lavender that are grown (grosso, French and provence), the process of the distillate for essences, as well as other uses of this flower that aromatizes everything that its petals touch. You will fall in love with the aroma that circulates throughout the place and you will want to look at the landscape for hours. The ranch has guest houses and offers activities such as bicycle tours and horseback riding around, where purple and lilac bushes invite you to live an entire experience of color, for everything is number one in our list of places to visit in Guanajuato.

T. 01 (468) 680 2964

2. Vineyards in Dolores Hidalgo

The second position of this list of places to visit in Guanajuato is occupied by Dolores Hidalgo, since it has its own wine circuit, one of the many wineries that make it up is Cuna de Tierra. Knowing it is a very pleasant experience, since they receive you on a tractor to begin the tour of the plots until you reach the reception of the winery. When you get off the vehicle they serve you a glass of wine from the house. They will explain the varieties of the vine that occur in the region and the winemaking process. The tour can close with a food pairing or climbing to the Torre de Tierra, a structure that is located in the middle of the vineyards. Other tours available at Cuna de Tierra allow you to explore the grooves of the vineyard by bicycle, watch the sunset and enjoy a tapas brunch with tasting included.

T. 01 (415) 690 2209

3. Guanajuato Wine Museum

Another basic of the places to visit in Guanajuato is located in Dolores Hidalgo, it is the Wine Museum and opened its doors more than a year ago. It has five rooms and a wine bar with regional labels. Here you will know the history of the vine and the whole process that the grapes go through to become this delicious drink.

FB: @museodelvinogto

4. Casas Tequileras in Pénjamo

The fourth of the places to visit in Guanajuato is Pénjamo. Here you can smell tequila, its fields, covered with thousands of agaves, look like a blue-green tapestry embroidered with threads of reddish earth, a unique landscape that you will never erase from your memory. It is on this land where several tequila houses like Orgullo de Pénjamo, Real de Pénjamo, Magallanes and Tequilera Corralejo give tours and tastings to visitors. The tour begins with a pot of clay in your hand: frosted with salt and lemon and filled with ice and tequila. Here you will see how the agave pineapple is sworn and the way it is cut with a coa or machete: an arduous work that the jimadores have been carrying out for hundreds of years. The next stop is at the Hacienda Corralejo, home of the renowned tequila of the same name and place where Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla was born. You can see the furnaces and tanks for the elaboration of the distillate, as well as the cava in which tastings are offered. The guided tour is not charged and includes an explanation about the entire process of making your products. Touring the Tequila Circuit is obligatory for anyone who is faithful to the flavors of the land, the work of the countryside and the magic of drinking Mexico in swallows.

Information for full circuit tour:
Xanharati Tour Operator
T. (01) 469 109 1000

5. Strawberry shops and greenhouses in Irapuato

Upon reaching the center you must board the Fresibus, which will take you to the nearest strawberry crops. The aroma of this fruit is mixed with the warm air of the greenhouse in which the bushes are grown. Irrigation is done with well water, a procedure that mills use to purify water. During the tour you can cut strawberries and eat them. Then, go to the center to learn more about the city and direct your steps to La Cristalita, an establishment where they are made from jams and preserves to strawberries covered with chocolate or chamoy, among many other products. In the streets and corners of Irapuato you will also find people with baskets full of strawberries to sell. If you want to do the tour, it is important to book in advance, since the entrance to the fields is made on specific dates and times to take care of the strawberry cultivation.

T. 01 (462) 624 7174

6. Parador Peña Sola and Circuito del Nopal in Salamanca

The last stop on this list of places to visit in Guanajuato is Salamanca, at the Parador Peña Sola, an ideal place to start the day trying the country breakfasts accompanied with coffee pot and artisan bread. Perform the Circuito del Nopal, which is operated by the population of Valtierrilla, who will receive you with great warmth. Start climbing the Tracnopal, a tractor where you will meet Don Salvador Alfaro, who, at the rhythm of his guitar, plays Caminos de Guanajuato while crossing the nopaleras. The landscape, formed by an immensity of nopales, looks like a waving green flag, only split in two by the road. The tour consists of several stops across the field. Two of them are carried out in Pronopval and Valnopal, local cooperatives where they explain the uses and derivatives of this cactus that is consumed by tons inside and outside our country. You can learn about the process of cultivation and one of the Mexican emblems.

T. 01 (464) 137 0841